Lyrics:The Mind Games Start Already
COCKTAIL WAITRESS: Cocktails? Cigars? Perhaps something from the dessert tray? I must warn you the flourless chocolate lava cake takes 45 minute to prepare and it may not be ready before you're formerly incarcerated
RICHARD: The mind games start already Just give me a sazerac and munson berry whip
COCKTAIL WAITRESS: I'm sorry, sugar, I'm not familiar with a... Munson Berry?
RICHARD: It's a berry that is bioengineered exclusively on my autumn property Are you sure you don't have it? It's always available to me when it's autumn
COCKTAIL WAITRESS: I'm terribly sorry, sweetie, but I don't think we have the berry that you chemically engineer on your private farm
RICHARD: Sazerac will be fine, thank you
COCKTAIL WAITRESS: I'll be right back with the drink, sir
PRISONER: Oh shit, the Guard
GUARD: First time in the spa hole, fish?
RICHARD: Yes....
GUARD: A pretty congress boy like you id going to be up to his lapel pin in guff
RICHARD: I can handle guff