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Hawaii Partii Cover.jpg
Written by Joe Hawley
Appears on Hawaii Partii
Sung by N/A
Duration 00:02
Genre 8-Bit, Chiptune
Language N/A

"Heaven" is an instrumental 8-bit song by ミラクルミュージカル, written by Joe Hawley. It acts as the opening ditty for Hawaii Partii and is only 2 seconds long.[1] It is based on the brass section of 宇宙ステーションのレベル7, from the album Hawaii: Part II.

The song intentionally has quotation marks in the title, which is how it appears on Bandcamp.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Heaven". Hawaii Partii. December 31st, 2015. Bandcamp.

Hawaii Partii