Rob Cantor's Street Team was an opt-in way of promoting Rob's album Not A Trampoline and other music via FanBridge.[1] People interested in signing up had the option to tick a box while signing up to Rob's Mailing List which would add them to the Street Team.[2] Prizes such as .mp3 demos, Behind-The-Scenes Videos, Images, and Fruit Baskets were distributed this way. Most of the email in this article comes from an archive of the Street Team's emails from Coz Baldwin.[3]

Ghost Promotion

On March 19th, 2014, Rob sent out an email to the Street-Teamers with a link to the song Ghost from Not A Trampoline. He told Teamers that if they like the song, they could help promote it (via Social Media or sending the link to Music Blogs), and in return enter a drawing to get a SPECIAL FRUIT BASKET. The drawing took place on March 28th, 2014, and the winner of the drawing was Ashley Ferguson. The fruit basket was to contain these items:

  • a PROP from the OLD BIKE music video
  • an OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE to commemorate your hard work
  • delicious FRESH FRUIT
  • a USB DRIVE containing footage and photos heretofore unreleased
  • several MAGIC TRICKS
  • the SECRET ANSWER TO EVERYTHING written upon a grain of rice
  • a SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH of a random family
  • Rob's most recent SEX TAPE
  • AND more

In reality, the "SECRET ANSWER TO EVERYTHING" and the "SEX TAPE" were not included in the basket. The USB Drive was actually a "thumb drive" which looks like an actual thumb, and contained GIFs and JPGs from the All I Need Is You music video, Behind-The-Scenes footage and photos of the Old Bike music video, a demo of Ghost, and a photo of people "archiving birds". The original photo can be found here, and a HQ version can be found here. The "FRESH FRUIT" were fake apples and grapes with notes claiming that "they are real, and you must eat them right away". The SECOND NOTE OF THANKS had fake blood splattered on it and was written from the point of view of someone who is about to be attacked. Finally, the "MAGIC TRICKS" included some magic tricks and a tiny deck of cards.

All I Need Is You Music Video Promotion

On April 9th, 2014, Rob sent an email out to the Teamers with a request to help promote the All I Need Is You music video. Teamers could help promote the video via Social Media, and by sending a screenshot of their post to Rob's Street Team email, they could join a private livestream chat with Rob and Bora, which took place on April 13th, 2014. Unreleased-at-the-time songs from Not A Trampoline were played on this stream.

Perfect Impressions Video Promotion

On July 1st, 2014, Rob sent out an email to the Teamers to ask about promoting the Perfect Impressions video. Teamers could promote it on Reddit via this post, via other social medias (with witty remarks, praise, or legal disclaimers), through Music Blogs, and by contacting the celebrities that "Rob" did impressions of via Twitter. If Teamers submitted one screenshot of any of those, they would get a .ZIP with "Digital Goodies." (Likely Demos & Behind-The-Scenes) If Teamers submitted 15 or more screenshots, they would get mailed a "physical object" with Rob or someone else's (by special request) name, written in cursive.

On July 9th, 2014, Rob sent out a follow-up email to the Teamers thanking them for the help in promoting the video. He then links to the Behind-The-Scenes of the video.

The Rendezvous Video Promotion

On September 9th, 2014, Rob sent out an email to the Teamers with a link to the music video for The Rendezvous, which was unlisted for 10-15 minutes before being publicly published. He asked for people to help spread the video around the internet like a communicative disease. Teamers could help promote this video via social media or Music Blogs. If Teamers submitted 1 screenshot helping to promote, they would get sent a .ZIP containing these items:

  • A README file with some important information to not share any items included publicly
  • Never Meant to Know Demo
  • All I Need Is You Demo
  • A video of a toy Bora made
  • A screenshot of the Amazon listing for the UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY of Alan Alda
  • A screenshot of a Facebook post mentioning a chicken Trampoline (Not A Trampoline)
  • An additional shot from the photoshoot with multiple Robs in the same shot
  • 3 Behind-The-Scenes photos from the aforementioned photoshoot
  • A screenshot of a private upload of "Normal Party Night" (alternate title of The Rendezvous)
  • 5 Behind-The-Scenes photos & 2 videos from the shooting of The Rendezvous's music video

If Teamers submitted 10 or more screenshots, they would get mailed a "physical object" with Rob's name, written in cursive. In addition, for every screenshot that was submitted, Teamers were entered into a GRAND PRIZE DRAWING, with the prize being a genuine THANKSGIVING-STYLE CORNUCOPIA. The winner of this drawing was Paige Miller. The Cornucopia was to contain these items:

  • an OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE to commemorate the Teamer's hard work
  • a selection of beautiful AUTUMNAL GOURDS
  • the SECRET ANSWER TO EVERYTHING (subject to availability)
  • a SECOND, SMALLER CORNUCOPIA filled with Cous-Cous
  • miscellaneous TALLY HALL MEMORABILIA
  • HANDWRITTEN LYRICS from Not A Trampoline

Shia LaBeouf Video Promotion

On October 21st, 2014, Rob sent out an email to the Teamers with a link to the Shia LaBeouf Live music video, which was unlisted for 10-15 minutes before being publicly published. He, again, asked the Teamers to help with promotion of the video. To help promote this video, Teamers could share the video via social media or send it to Music Blogs (with an enthusiastic endorsement). The prize distribution worked a little different this time. Teamers who submitted 1 screenshot would get a .ZIP containing these items:

  • A README file with some important information to not share any items included publicly
  • A .GIF from the All I Need Is You music video
  • A photo of the Cornucopia which was sent to Paige Miller
  • A letter from "Barrack Obama" commending Paige's work
  • A picture of Bora with a shirt with "&" on it
  • A picture of a trampoline with a sign behind it saying "NOT A TRAMPOLINE"
  • A render and 5 Behind-The-Scenes photos of the 3D Heads featured in the music video
  • A Behind-The-Scenes video
  • Pre-Production Plans and early .MP3
  • 5 images from the release of the video
  • 9 photos from a shoot of the actors

The different part about this promotion in particular is that Teamers would be able to choose specific prizes for submitting screenshots. Whoever submitted the most screenshots got first pick, second-most got second pick, etc. A sheet of the prizes that were available is accessible here. Here's list of the known teamers and what place they got, and what prizes they chose:

  1. (1st Place) @Genderjeremy - 3D Shia Head[4]
  2. (20th Place) Allegra Rosenberg - Sheet Music[5]
