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Definitive Tally Hall Video List
The Definitive Tally Hall Video List was originally started and compiled by Jillian (AKA Olwhatshername) and others on the old Tally Hall Forums.[1]
Many old videos which had been taken down were lost in a hard drive crash Joe Hawley suffered in 2005 (plus a later incident where a hacker supposedly purged their YouTube channel) and will probably never be seen again. However, some of them were grabbed by fans early on, before they were taken down.
As a sidenote, two lists have been compiled by Tally Hall of Shame, though both have broken links and haven't been updated since sometime before 2016.
Music Videos
A list of official music videos made for Tally Hall songs.
- Banana Man
- Greener
- Good Day
- Good Day (First Stages)
- Dream
- Dream (Pre-Kaleidoscope Edit)
- Taken For a Ride (Workfile for Contest)
- Taken For a Ride (Scene 3 of Workfile)
- Taken For a Ride (Final Version)
- Taken For a Ride (Entry #1)
- Taken For a Ride (Entry #2)
- Taken For a Ride (Entry #3)
- Welcome To Tally Hall
- Two Wuv
- The Whole World & You
- Ruler of Everything
- Hidden in the Sand
- Turn the Lights Off
- Turn the Lights Off Animatic
ミラクルミュージカル (Miracle Musical) Videos
- Isle Unto Thyself
- Labyrinth
- Candle On The Water Cover
- The Mind Electric (Lyric Video)
- Black Rainbows (Sing Along)
- Variations on a Cloud
Joe Hawley Videos
- Crazy Food
- Rotary Park (lyric video)
- Bring Her Along
- Hoodz 'n the Woodz
- Your Mother Is A Basketball
Rob Cantor Music Videos
- Old Bike
- All I Need Is You
- Perfect (29 Celebrity Impressions, 1 Song)
- Shia LeBeouf Live
- Nobody Else Quite Like You
Keep Up The Good Work
Videos using the "Keep Up The Good Work!" format.
Videos which feature the character known as Joerilla (Joe Hawley in a gorilla suit).
- Sargasm - Dirty Laundry
- Sargasm - Sidewalk Duel
- Sargasm - Triumph
- Sargasm - Whoops
- Sargasm - Last Pick (clip from Sargasm, URL used to be https://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoID=1386543735) (original description: never underestimate the power of underestimating a gorilla (or joe in a gorilla costume).)
- THIS Episode 1 - Golf
- THIS Episode 4 - Coffee Shop
- THIS Episode 10 - Note/Parking
What You Don't Know
Videos which begin with "Everyone knows that..." and ends with "What you don't know is..."
- Sargasm - Carrots
- Sargasm - Dancing
- Sargasm - Plants
- Sargasm - Squirrels
- THIS Episode 1 - Buses
- THIS Episode 5 - Evolution
- THIS Episode 10 - Practice
Historical Portraits
Videos which showed famous figures of history in uncompromising positions.
- #96 "Charles Darwin "Adapts" to the Woods"
- #2451 "Abraham Lincoln is Pursued by a Bee"
- #14287 "Mozart: "'B' Miner""
Random videos which fit into no category.
- Directions
- Directions, Higher Quality
- Enchirito
- Enchirito, Higher Quality
- Hardly Working
- Hardly Working, Higher Quality
- Joe Hawley Attack
- Misfortune (Short featuring music from Toy Orchestra)
- Pepperoni, Too
- Sorry Al (description: with music by Cojum Dip.)
- A Candid Interview / THIS Episode 1 - Salt
- A Candid Interview, Pre-THIS (unavailable, Screencap)
- Just In Time
- Ant Thoughts (original description: a philosophical meditation.)
- Rob Falls (unavailable, original description: on the road last summer, a hacky sack game ended in tragedy. gravity 1, rob 0. but one day, i will exact my revenge. that will be the glorious day i construct a rocketeer-style jet pack for use in all future games of the hack. (also with rick lax)) (Screencap from Old Website)
- Bat Company (original description: an epic, non-fictional account of the timeless struggle between people and bat.)
- Homework (unavailable, original description: this is the brainchild of our roommate, nik. despite the subtle implication otherwise, he's a very hard worker.) (Screencap from Old Website)
- Skill Crane (unavailable, URL used to be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh6Ll8Pu4VI)
- Hungry Joey (unavailable, URL used to be https://www.tallyhall.com/video.php?v=1130731021.mov) (description: as seen on local tv. ... IS THIS THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL COMMERCIAL?!)
- Two Wuv, Live Performance (unavailable, original description: a live rendition of our love song to two very special girls, submitted to us by caroline, our good friend and chumstress. watch for joe's DEADLY falling guitar strap! (the guitar hit a small bear at the foot of the stage).) (Screencap from Old Website)
Videos recorded by Tally Hall intended to update fans on what the band is busy with.
- magic 05.21.06
- new material 05.21.06
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! / Super Ultimate Awesome 06.27.06
- legendary tetris game 07.04.06
- legendary tetris game 07.04.06, higher quality
- Still working on the music video... 08.23.06
- Ross Loss TOUR UPDATE 2: PITTSBURGH 12.08.05 by rob
- Ross is the auctioneer MEGA* UPDATE. 01.31.06 by rob
- Rubik's ROBbery MEGA* UPDATE. 01.31.06 by rob
- ran him over MAD ANTHONY MUSIC FESTIVAL 04.22.06 by joe
- pop the question SARAH OF TROY 06.22.06 by ross
- World Beard Champion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11.17.06 by tally hall (edited clip from the "A Harmony of Curves" DVD, unavailable, URL used to be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQFaDp0ZSSg) (Screencap)
- Ross's Chucky Cheese Birthday ROSS'S BIRTHDAY 2007!!! 01.30.07 by andrew
- the mechanical bull Aestavalia & NYC 05.06.07 by rob (SOUND REMOVED)
- the mechanical bull Aestavalia & NYC 05.06.07 by rob (WITH SOUND)
- NYC I: Re-MMMM 05.16.07 by andrew
- NYC II: Rock GTR 05.22.07 by andrew
- NYC III: I'm Superman 05.24.07 by zubin
- NYC IV: Fireworks 05.25.07 by ross
- Doors: You'll know when they're appropriate 06.02.07 by ross (confirmed here to be the same as A Recent Expedition 06.05.07 by ross)
- June 23rd, 2007 (Unknown post date)
- April Fools 03.29.08 (URL used to be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11dCfL36VXU, and then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSKv1nzBENg)
- The Piñata 10.28.08
- Rob's Halloween Costume, on the Subway (as Bob Ross) (URL used to be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srtCHQ2eJgQ, posted on the Tally Hall blog on 11.10.08)
- April 2009: Mr. Kurtz Goes to Brooklyn (Unknown post date)
Awkward Moments
Videos re-enacting the awkward moments of life.
- Awkward Hallway (original description: the pre-emptive hello.)
- Awkward Exit (unavailable, original description: dramatization based on real life events.) (Screencap from Old Website)
For a full description and video list, please visit the Boralogue page.
Tally Hall's Internet Show (T.H.I.S.)
For a full description and video list, please visit the Tally Hall's Internet Show page.
Other Miscellany
These videos were shown by Tally Hall, often feature members of the band, but are not to be considered official Tally Hall material.
- Sargasm (comedy film from anonyMous, featuring members of Tally Hall)
- Phone Home (unavailable, original description: we were at the toys-r-us in NYC, and our friend and cowbellist crot nasty happened to be wearing the EXACT same garb as robotronic ET.) (Screencap from Old Website)
- Break It Down (Music video from the movie Sargasm by anonyMous) (original description/s: joe's random, rhyming sketch comedy. ... or... one of joe's pre-tally music videos. look for rob in tthe top left square (A-A). back by demand (some threatening).)
- Sargasm - Outtakes (unavailable, Screencap from Old Website)
- Vroom
- Rototron Cornbobber (From the movie Sargasm by anonyMous)
- Michigan University Party Campaign #1 - Dance Party (created by Joe Hawley, with guest appearances by himself and Andrew Roskamp, previously seen in Banana Man)
- Michigan University Party Campaign #2 - Fortune Cookie (created by Joe Hawley, starring Tom and Cottage Cheese Guy from anonyMous)
- Michigan University Party Campaign #3 - U (created and narrated by Joe Hawley)
- Michigan University Party Campaign #4 - Jerk Chicken (created by Joe Hawley, starring Joe Hawley as Jerk Chicken)
- Michigan University Party Campaign #5 - Harmonica (created by Joe Hawley)
- Michigan University Party Campaign #6 - What Do You Want? (created by Joe Hawley, with guest appearances by himself.)
- Michigan University Party Campaign #7 - Trash (created by Joe Hawley)
- Michigan University Party Campaign #8 - Intense (created by Joe Hawley)
- Nigel & The Missing Link (film by Joe Hawley and Tom Liu, members of anonyMous feature in)
- FILMVID 401 Abstract, Fall 2003 (Joe Hawley animation)
- FILMVID 230 Rapid Eye Movement, 2002 (Rob Cantor and Ryan Scott star, created by Joe Hawley?)
- NEIGHBORHOOD DRAMA (Featuring Joerilla, likely predates Tally Hall)