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Shane Maux

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Shane Maux
Labyrinth co-writer and rapper
Current resident of: Brooklyn, NY
Other Names: Shane MauX, Shane Page

Shane Page, A.K.A: Shane Maux is a rapper and DJ. Maux co-wrote and provided lead vocals for Labyrinth, the eighth track on Hawaii: Part II. His likeness is also featured heavily in the song's music video,[1] and tie-in video game,[2] as a character trying to escape the titular labyrinth.

Maux's band Knock The Vandal is produced and mixed by Bora Karaca and Ross Federman, who also produced Hawaii: Part II. Ross also made beats for Maux's The Good Company EP in 2011.[3]



  1. ミラクルミュージカル - Labyrinth. Music Video. 14 Dec 2014. YouTube. Video.
  2. Labyrinth (Speed Run?) - HAWAII PART: II 23 July 2017. YouTube. Video.
  3. Shane MauX - The Good Company EP 13 June 2011. Bandcamp. Album.