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Mix Tape 1

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Mix Tape #1
Released 2009
Length 1:09:43
Label Self-released
Producer Ross Federman

Mix Tape #1 is the name assigned to the first mixtape Ross Federman created in 2009 under the name Mr F. It was released for free through his website[1], or through here, and consists of mostly mashups of popular hip hop and pop songs.

Track listing

# Title Writers Lead Singers Duration
1. "Track 1" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 3:38
2. "Track 2" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 6:30
3. "Track 3" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 5:12
4. "Track 4" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 3:15
5. "Track 5" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 3:45
6. "Track 6" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 6:29
7. "Track 7" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 4:59
8. "Track 8" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 3:48
9. "Track 9" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 7:57
10. "Track 10" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 9:08
11. "Track 11" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 5:18
12. "Track 12" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 3:10
13. "Track 13" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 4:17
14. "Track 14" {{{writer}}} {{{singer}}} 2:17
