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hi i'm Goated Joe Hawley but mostly known as Maxy or MrMeems, i decided to pick my name as JoeHawleyJoeHawley because my TallyHall account was deleted and moved to User:DisabledUser88ed17e2

User:TallyHall Lore

i was making a account and i thought, i wonder if tallyhall is whitelisted, it is and then i realized that tallyHall, and TallyHaLL and other spellings aren't but i didn't claim them because someone might want one like taIIyhaII or tallyhaII.[1] [2] After i made the account i made it a redirct to you guessed it Tally- The Beatles it first was a redirct to Tally Hall but i thought it would be funnier to make it redirect to the beatles. After which i posted about it on the bootleg wiki.[3]

  1. i use this knowage to make great redirects like "A lady" this not being a redirect is crazy, it's a common mistake.
  2. my favorite of them, tallyhaii sounds more like a fan account than a Inpersonation or namesnipe.
  3. https://tallyhall.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000056600