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From Tally Hallmanac: The Ultimate Tally Hall Wiki
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Are you tired of apologising to... 
you know, it's like enough, right?
Well, don't worry, we have a bulletproof system where you'll never have to apologise again
It's called Pre-Sorry

Using our sophisticated Pre-Sorry software
We'll make tax deductible donations to groups you'll probably offend in the future

Deflecting claims has never been so easy
Offensive tweet? No problem
We've been donating to that group for years
Ambien group email? It's fine
You have a paper trail of financial kindness to back up your character
Just straight up saying something awful live on camera? Who cares?
Your name's on a rec centre for a reason

Our packages cover you for incidents with all groups including 
Them, Those ones, People who Don't Belong Here, That Obvious Group, and of course, The Ones I Don't Understand
It's like, be the way I want you to be already

So don't wait for speaking your mind to affect your life
Get ahead of it
Pre-Sorry: You never have to apologise again

That product is great
I sponsor a youth baseball league, and now I can say anything I want about people from the Caribbean, especially kids