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Lyrics:Yes Please &/or Weird Bed

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haT imanusT htouq esaelp seY

sserpmE ekildlihC dlo yas ot erom gnihton si erehT
sserpmi uoy edifnoc I tseretni erusiel gninraE
edam uoy taht kcab eht ees sdrawrof revo gnidneB
esahp rehto emos ni demrof naita‘ na htiw gnidnE

niaga segneh gninots dnalsI retsaE dna snwoT
napaJ retfa d’rednamrolauqs snoitareneG
derrabsid tsael ta neeb evah dluohs ehs dna t a dessorc enoemoS
draug rehtafdnarg a ta elppa na werht enoemoS

srood pu gnillaf eb llew yam esrever ni gnimaerD
sruof no seinnub ot gnitubirtta selyts‘ gnippoH
edanemorP teertS dr3 no doolb lla deyalps sreksuB
hsog yb emosenin rof no gnignah erew yeht ta deppotS

esaelp seY

llits tub noitaci’itarg remrof gnitcepxe sdaeH
lliw evitanretla tsap sremocrevo gnilloR
ti fo og tel ot ton deirt drah ew tsiaw gnildnaH
tih neeb t’ndah ew fi sa desaet ehs ecnad dna emoC

em otni eugnot a dils xnyral eht delcicI
deraperpnu ma I hcihw rof niap yna ton raeF
rialf a htiw dias ehs neetevlev ylno ma I

esaelp seY

xetroc gnilrig dna nuf fo shtped eht gniynnhoJ
xetrov gnilriws a emaceb deb eht gnitarbiV
ereh s’tahw naht erom yna reh etalumits ti dluoW
reenigne htaed eht dias rotalumis ruo yrT