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News Corner

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The news corner of tallyhall.com was an area of the website where updates to tour dates, band announcements, and other shenanigans, some in the form of flash videos, which are sadly now defunct. (all of which are linked anyway)

News Updates
Date Content
9.20.05 Tally Hall has a new website, but you knew that.
9.24.05 please excuse our dust. the website should be completed within the week. until then feel free?
9.24.05 thanks to everyone who came to the blind pig last night (and also to the people who waited outside and didn't make it in... apologies). but good times.
9.29.05 Tally Hall on WQKL Ann Arbor - 107.1 Monday between 10pm and 12am on their "New Music Monday" segment.
9.29.05 finally we squeaked out a NEW MOVIE. if you've ever wondered what labors are associated with recording an album, you should watch this using your eyes.
10.11.05 new website feature added: PICTURES. these are collections of colored pixels that, when viewed from far away, seem to resemble familiar people and places. DON'T BE FOOLED, THOUGH. these are only REPLICAS, and you cannot actually touch ROSS.

(to see said pics, click on media, then pics, then "change album" to change the album (clearly)).

10.12.05 at long last, the FORUM is live (misc-->forum)! feel free to join and chat away.
10.14.05 there will be no new songs tomorrow (saturday). to make it up to you, we will be posting TWO new tracks from MMMM next week. apologies and stay tuned...
10.17.05 ...so we finally finished in the studio about a week ago and decided to tell the head of our record label (al) that the sound board crashed and took parts of ruler of everything with it..."sorry, al!" (featuring Andrew as colonel popcorn).
10.18.05 MMMM has been added to our distributor's (Teacher's Discovery) computer system! Now, ordering is all automated, sexy and more comfortable for those who were a bit nervous before. So head to the store, sexily, to pre-order Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum.
10.22.05 you didn't think we had the gall? well, bloody _______________!
10.24.05 The CD is currently at the printers; the pre-order is extended...The moment we have the CDs, Tally Hall will sign and ship them. Many apologies, but it'll be worth the wait. We promise. We will let you know when they are shipped.
10.25.05 11/12 - Tally Hall CD Release Party at the Double Door, Chicago. 8pm doors, 21+, $8 advance, $10 day-of. w/ Down the Line and the Bandages. See EVENTS for details.
10.25.05 new show added for 11/2 -- see events page for (very little) additional info.
11.04.05 We are planning a tour for the middle weeks of December. Target area: the Northeast of America. Target audience: Tally Hall fans. Target.
11.05.05 be born! (the latest MMMM post).
11.10.05 Ds are in! The band will be signing them, and they'll in the mail on Monday morning. Thanks for your patience. Anyone who brings a printout pre-order receipt to the Chicago show can pick up their CD at the merch booth.
11.15.05 cds have shipped! and stay tuned... we're busy over in tally hall headquarters preparing for a busy month of december. more info to come...
11.22.05 TALLY HALL presents "TOUR."

Check out the "events" page for the first batch of tour dates. PLEASE NOTE: the gaps in the schedule will be filled in over the coming days, so stay tuned for additional cities (maybe YOURS!).

11.24.05 if you're reading this, it means tallyhall.com's move to a new server is complete, and you're seeing us in our brand-spanking new home. it spanks brands. no really.

no change is without a few growing pains, so please bear with us as we get everything back to their usual levels of spiffyness and beyond this afternoon.

fancy new dedicated webservers! if that isn't a happy thanksgiving, i dunno what is.

-- the quack! web team


DEC 6 @ THE DAME (lexington, ky).

11.30.05 Tally Hall and Quack!Media announce the Tally Hall Monitors street team rewards program! That's right, spread the word, get free (exclusive) stuff. Details here
11.30.05 The NYC show has been CHANGED to 12/10. Apologies for any inconvenience. MAUMEE, OH has been added. Check events...
12.04.05 NEW VIDEOS! we've revamped the page, so be sure to install the latest version of quicktime. more to come after the tour...
12.07.05 SORRY FOLKS, HARTFORD IS OFF. if you don't know what i'm talking about, don't worry. but for those of you that do: the hartford show is no more. hope to see you elsewhere on the road!
12.08.05 we're on tour, but that doesn't mean we're dead. keep an eye on the journal! yaay!
12.12.05 ladies and gentlemen, tally hall is proud to present MMMM's first music video: greener
12.14.05 New ALL AGES show added @ Blind Pig, Jan.6. Check here for more details.
12.18.05 LAST MINUTE PHILLY CHANGES! we're playing at 9:30, and the show is ALL AGES. repeat: we go on at 9:30, and all ages are welcome. SORRY FOR THE LATE NOTICE, WE JUST FOUND OUT!
12.21.05 Check out a cool review of M4 from the Detroit Free Press: (This part was edited to "Good Times:" sometime after 01.02.06 and before 01.27.06) "Tally Hall is Marvelous." Strangely, as I just found out, if you search for "Tally Hall" on the Free Press site, this is the second result: "Murders in City Likely to Match 2004 Totals."
1.06.06 A handful of new tour dates have been added to the EVENTS page. more will be coming in the next few days, so stick around.
1.06.06 Tonight's show at the Blind Pig is SOLD OUT, so if you don't have tickets, we're very sorry. There is a very limited number (10) of tickets available at the door, first come first serve, so if you want to get there very early, you might be able to get in. See you tonight.
1.15.06 Two new tourdates have been added: Philadelphia and Maumee. Check it out by clicking ME.
1.21.06 The van is off the fritz (a new expression), and we are back on schedule. Woo hoo.
1.24.06 On Monday, January 30th, Tally Hall will join the illustrious Martin Bandyke to celebrate his inaugural broadcast on Ann Arbor's 107.1 WQKL! Join us at Bivouac for a live, acoustic set and on-air interview/chatting/good-times as we welcome a great on-air personality to Ann Arbor. High Noon, FREE, all ages, and you can even buy a camp-stove as well! (details)
1.30.06 Small's show added on February 9th! Check here for more info.
1.31.06 We've gotten a lot of inquiries regarding the cancelled Magic Bag show, so just for the record, the venue removed us from the bill due to an unfortunate miscommunication. There will be plenty of Michigan shows coming up, so no worries. On that note, we'd like to announce that on April 8 we'll be returning to the Blind Pig to premiere new material. Stay tuned...
1.31.06 We were wondering why for a couple of months e-mails seemed so slow, but we just found out that any mail sent via the form on our website during most of December and January did not reach us. We just received 80-pages of e-mails (1000s of emails) in a large bulk. We're really sorry. We'll be sorting through it in the next few days and responding to as much as possible. So if you wrote to us and didn't hear back, ...Our webmaster has been scolded severely (with a stick).
2.03.06 NEW VIDEOS. andrew writes another letter, and joe releases "the other way", a 20-minute film experiment featuring (backwards) music by andrew and a special guest appearance by rob...
2.05.06 The Ann Arbor News published a Tally Hall story today. Read it here minus the pictures.
2.06.06 Thursday's Small's show has been changed from 21+ to 18+. More info...
2.28.06 LAST MINUTE ALERT: "Banana Man" MAY be on the season premier of REAL WORLD: KEY WEST tonight.

10PM EST on MTV, or check your local listings.

      • UPDATE: It was not on, but if you keep watching the new season of the Real World, you shall hear some Tally Hall.***
3.01.06 "Just Apathy" was named a Grand Prize Winner of the 2005 John Lennon Songwriting Contest in the Pop category. More info http://web.archive.org/web/20060402212820/http://jlsc.com/winners/2005b/winners.php. Woo hoo!
3.06.06 Tally Hall: The Residency Tour!!!

All of April, Tally Hall will be playing weekly extended sets: Sundays: Madison, WI Mondays: Columbus, OH Tuesdays: Champaign, IL Wednesdays: Bowling Green, OH Details

3.07.06 FUN WITH ONLINE VOTING: Beginning on March 15, "Just Apathy" will be competing in an online face-off against another song. This is the next phase of the John Lennon Songwriting Contest. We'll supply the link if you supply the vote! Check back next Wednesday...
3.11.06 A second SXSW set has been announced! Same bar, different night, different time, same band (us).
3.23.06 Tally Hall will be on TV twice this weekend for those of you lucky enough to have access to a TV. Check out VH1's Best Week Ever on Friday @ 11pm Eastern and Fearless Music on Saturday night (Check their site for channel listings). Big news to come in the next week, so stay tuned...
3.26.06 SECRET BONUS SURPRISE: On April 6th, Tally Hall's music will be featured on "The OC."
3.28.06 2nd Blind Pig show added! Check events for details.
4.01.06 After long consideration, Rob has finally decided to pursue medical school instead of venturing forth as our beloved yellow tie. Good luck, Rob! (after 4.02.06 but before 4.11.06, it was updated with: "UPDATE: APRIL FOOL'S!")
4.05.06 Blind Pig Show Update (April 8th)

7pm: SOLD OUT 10pm: going fast ... get 'em!

Also: Tally Hall will be performing a handful of acoustic numbers and signing CDs at the Downtown Ann Arbor Borders store (State and Liberty) FRIDAY @ 4pm.

4.06.06 New shows supporting OKGO have been POSTED.
4.06.06 For one week only, Tally Hall's debut album, MARVIN'S MARVELOUS MECHANICAL MUSEUM, will be discounted to $10. This offer will end on April 13.
4.12.06 Book Tally Hall on your campus. Details on our myspace blog (link triggered the spam filter so can't post this one :/).
4.14.06 Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum, featuring "Good Day," is now available at Border's Books and Music & Tower Records all over this big ol' country.
4.25.06 On Thursday, tune in to The Mancow Show between 9-10am for some Tally Hall! Check here to find out if the show is broadcast in your area.
5.03.06 See Tally Hall's SXSW '06 road video at blender.com!
5.21.06 Zubin has mastered magic. Meanwhile, we're developing new material.
5.24.06 A handful of shows have been added. Keep checking back for more tour additions...
6.02.06 July Dates added w/ Puffy AmiYumi. We'll be visiting Philly, DC, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, Deeeeetroit and Cleveland. Details.
6.27.06 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6.29.06 Does that say LOS ANGELES?!

Also: Baltimore and New York shows added.

6.29.06 Tonight! Listen to Tally Hall in the studio on WFMU, New York/New Jersey 91.1FM. Alternatively, if you're East-Coast impaired, you can stream it.
6.30.06 Because we love you...
7.04.06 FROM THE ARCHIVES: joe's legendary tetris game
7.11.06 Tally Hall's Picks @ Amazon.com
7.16.06 Today (Monday) we will be appearing on the Mancow Show. Check here for details.
7.18.06 Check out our friend Drewmo's new animation (with special guest!)
8.02.06 Tune in to CBS tonight for our national television debut on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson!
8.14.06 Recent articles: LA Times and Ann Arbor News...
8.14.06 Two Ann Arbor shows announced! September 23rd at the Blind Pig. Early all ages, late 18+. Special limited pre-sale starting today. Tickets officially on sale 08/19 via Ticket Master or you can pick them up at the 8-ball Saloon.
8.15.06 Go to SPIN.COM and give us that A+...Tally Hall is the "Artist of the Day!"
8.23.06 Still working on the music video...
8.28.06 FREE SHOW!!!!!...(if you're in ann arbor). We will be playing an abbreviated set on the UofM Diag as part of Fuse Fest for welcome week. This Thursday, August 31, 3:00.
9.05.06 Tally Hall will be the subject of MTV's "You Hear it First" this week! Tune into MTV, MTV2, and MTVU to see lots of Tally Hall starting tonight.
9.12.06 Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum in stores everywhere ... TODAY! Hop to it! (Also: MTV Album Release Mention...)
10.11.06 Tune in this Saturday night to watch us on Fearless Music. The show airs on Fox 5 in NYC @ 1am. Check here for local listings.
10.16.06 Our myspace page has been changed to myspace.com/tallyhall.
10.23.06 NEW VIDEO (and video page): just in time.
10.30.06 Tomorrow we'll be performing live on WHFR, 1-3pm EST. In addition, tune in this Sunday for an interview on WDET's Front Row Center. The show is streamable online.
11.01.06 Although we've had this footage for decades now, we figured now is as good a time as any: Historical Portrait #2451.
11.10.06 A candid interview.
11.15.06 Historical Portrait #96.
11.29.06 If you're not in Los Angeles, you can still catch Friday's performance on Morning Becomes Eclectic via streaming audio. Visit 89.9 KCRW's website to tune in. Also on Friday, we'll be playing a short acoustic set in-store at Sea Level before heading over to The Echo. See our events page for more info.
12.07.06 O.C. Mix 6: Covering Our Tracks is now available. The compilation includes Tally Hall covering The Killers' "Smile Like You Mean It."
1.02.07 Happy New Year! Lots in store...stay tuned.
1.07.07 I think it's time for historical portrait #14287!!!!!!
1.12.07 Please take a moment to vote in our latest JOURNAL entry.
1.30.07 Ross has a birthday.
2.06.07 New tour dates.
2.08.07 Remember "Questions Answered" on our video page? We don't, but please send us QUESTIONS anyway!: band@tallyhall.com.
2.27.07 http://web.archive.org/web/20070302202203/http://tallyhall.com/events.php
3.11.07 SXSW SXSW SXSW SX SW SS XW WX.com. In addition to THREE SHOWS, on Saturday, March 17, we'll be throwing a short acoustic get-together for those of you unable to get into the Austin SXSW shows. Time and location (somewhere in Austin) to be announced. Watch our myspace for details...
3.16.07 Tally Hall will be playing a short acoustic set at noon on Saturday. Join us at Republic Park on the corner of 4th and Guadalupe in downtown Austin. It's free and all ages, of course.
4.11.07 NYC show added. True.
5.16.07 We're in NYC doing some work on our album. Keep an eye on our journal page for updates.
6.17.07 It is currently the summer.
6.21.07 (later edited to 7.30.07 New show added.
8.13.07 Joe takes a stab at a left-handed toon.
10.02.07 Why not check out this arbitrary children's program?
10.17.07 In Los Angeles and looking for something cool to do this weekend?
10.24.07 Relatively new shows posted (They've been here for a few days) (after 12.06.07 and before 02.09.08 edited to this: "Nothing to report.")
12.19.07 Happy holidays! We'll be back in full force in 2008.
2.11.08 New tour dates added.
2.25.08 It's here.
3.09.08 Introducing Boralogues.
8.16.11 Presenting: BORALOGUE XII
8.29.11 Thank You


Thanks for making the Good & Evil Tour such a success. We had a great time traversing the country & seeing so many new & familiar faces. We also want to give an encore thanks to our fellow travelers: April Smith & The Great Picture Show, Speak, & Casey Shea. & now, the final tour BORALOGUE (this link also triggered the spam filter).


-Andrew, Joe, Rob, Ross, & Zubin Tally Hall

P.S. If you missed themÉ

Boralogue X Boralogue XI Boralogue XII Boralogue XIII

P.P.S. "&" music video...coming soon.

10.21.11 Dear Gentlemen & Ladies, Girls & Boys,


&: The "&" video is no more. Many hours were committed towards making this video a reality; however, with limited resources, it just didn't happen. To everyone who worked on this video, & all those who submitted your artwork: thank you for the effort & thought you put into this project. Words are insufficient to express our gratitude. We've posted the ampersands here for your viewing pleasure.

"NEW"S: We are excited to inform you of a brand new just-in-time-for-Halloween "Turn the Lights Off" music video, created by the one-and-only Drew Mokris of spinnerdisc.com! (With help from Sean Donnelly of "Ruler of Everything" music video fame!)


Trick or treat,

– R.H. Cantor, R.S. Federman, J.R. Hawley, A.D. Horowitz, Z. Sedghi Tally Hall

P.S. The last of our tour shirts now reside in the Internette Shoppe

9.25.12 Dear Beloved Website Readers,

It's been a while. Although things have been quiet for Tally Hall, some of us have been busy with other projects that we're pleased to bring to your attention. These include:

- A song by Rob - Andrew's solo album, edu - Hawaii: Part II. These new digital musical recordings will be available at the end of the countdown [12.12.12] exclusively at hawaiipartii.com. If you click the logo now, you'll discover a reduced price preorder including a bonus song [not included with the album come December]!

If you're the TV-watching type, perhaps tune in to the season premiere of The Good Wife on CBS September 30th.