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Potato Vs. Spoon (T.H.I.S. Episode)
Potato Vs. Spoon is the ninth episode of Tally Hall's Internet Show, which premiered on their website January 5, 2009. The episode runs 8 minutes and 32 seconds and contains the music video of the song Greener.
Potato Vs. Spoon, YouTube Link
{A green title card similar to those used before movie trailers appears on the screen reading, "The following NONSENSE has been approved for TALLY HALL AUDIENCES by the Internet Video Association of America"}
{Cut to a kitchen table. A potato moves around a doily while rock music plays. The scene then cuts to a spoon, doing a similar action. The two items move around the table as the camera zooms in on them. The two items then proceed to dash headlong into each other as the intro begins the moment they collide}
{Cut to Rob Cantor in a black room moving in stop motion. A Chiptune cover of Welcome to Tally Hall plays. Rob puts his hands together and pulls them apart to reveal his name on a yellow block and moves into the background. Ross Federman moves into the foreground and pushes a grey block against his head with his right hand, it comes out the other side of his head and the grey block with his name on it gets grabbed by his right hand. Ross moves into the background. Joe Hawley comes into the foreground doing a finger gun motion, the red block with his name on it comes out like a flag from a prop gun. Joe moves into the background. Andrew comes into the foreground, grabs the screen, which flashes green for a millisecond, he pulls the block back until it freezes on him holding the block with his name on it. Andrew moves into the background. Zubin moves into the foreground, unfolding the block, which has his name on it when he moves it down slightly. Zubin moves into the background, the other members of the band move next to him, then go into the foreground, but are interrupted by a falling curtain. The logo for the show falls down attached to strings as a voice sings "Tally Hall" }
Duel, YouTube Link
{Cut to Ross in a white suit standing in a grass frield. Rob and Joe (dressed as English chaps and weilding pistols) step forward. Throughout the sketch, everyone speaks in a faux British accent}
ROSS: Mornin', gentlemen. (Rob and Joe mumble indiscernibly) Pistols are down, I see? Please present your weapons.
{Rob gives Ross his pistol}
ROSS: Thank you.
{Ross inspects the pistol and then gives it back to its owner}
ROSS: Very good, thank you sir.
{Joe attempts to give Ross his pistol, but drops it. He picks it up and Ross inspects it}
ROSS: Yes, approved. As your first time, I shall begin by explaining the rules. {As Ross explains the rules, the camera occasionally cuts to both competitors, accompanied by an ominous piano chord} You will start facing back-to-back; you will take 10 paces in either direction by my count. On count 10, you shall turn around and fight your opponent to the death, understood?
ROB AND JOE: {in unison} Mnyes.
ROSS: Very well then. {holding out his hand} For your approval. Gold .38 caliber bullets, simulated by dueling home governing body of Dozenshire.
{Rob sniffs the bullets in Ross' hand}
ROB: I say approved.
{Joe repeatedly touches the bullets in Ross' hand}
JOE: Mnyes, approved.
ROSS: One to each of you, then.
{Rob and Joe each grab a bullet and prepare their guns}
ROSS: I say. Gentlemen, please take your positions.
{Rob and Joe lift up their pistols and face away from each other}
ROSS: Ready? {As Ross counts, Rob and Joe take one step} And... one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
{Rob and Joe fire their pistols as soon as they stop walking. After a few seconds, Ross falls onto the ground}
Mr. Sunnyside's Safari, YouTube Link
{Cut to a vignette of a children's drawing of the Sun. Happy music plays in the background}
MR. SUNNYSIDE: (voice only) Hey kids. {The Sun grows a face} I'm Mr. Sunnyside, and I like to have fun. {The Sun's face disappears. Cut to a giraffe and two lions} Once upon a time, there was a giraffe. It lived in Africa with two lions. {Close-up on the lions} Their names were Harold and Judy. {The male lion gains a text bubble that reads "Please stop looking at us..."} They were very nice. {Cut to an elephant. Two smaller elephants are running around it} There was a family of rambunctious elephants that lived nearby. {Cut to the giraffe looking at a butterfly on a branch} Anyways, one day, the giraffe and began to chase it. {The butterfly begins flying. The giraffe runs after it} Faster and faster he ran, until the power lines severed his trachea. {Cut to a power line. The animals running near it. The giraffes runs into the power lines and gets beheaded}
Honk War, YouTube Link
{Cut to Zubin waiting by a red light. Ross drives up and honks his car horn. Zubin notices and honks his horn back in reply. Ross honks his horn three times in a row. Zubin does so, too. Ross honks his horn in a rhythmic matter, which Zubin copies. Ross then begins hitting the horn with a pair of drumsticks. The light turns green and Zubin drives away. Ross does not notice the light changing and another car hits his own}
15 Seconds Of Bora: Dramatic Interpretation, YouTube Link, YouTube Link, Color Version
{Cut to a logo with large stone letters reading "OF BORA". (BORA is in orange, the rest of the letters are grey) As singers sing "Fifteen seconds", large stone letters reading "FIFTEEN SECONDS" drop from the top of the screen. Then, as singers sing "of Bora!" several clips of Bora appear faded on the screen. (him doing karate, talking to someone while in a suit) After the logo drops, several videos of small Boras sit above the word "FIFTEEN". The singers sing "Yeah!" and several explosions appear on the bottom of the logo.} (Note that during this intro, the music is instead classical music)
{Cut to Bora standing in front of a grayscale background while the dramatic classical music from the intro plays in the background. He preforms various poses in tune to the song. He then grabs an orange and bites into it-peel intact. He spits out the peel and grabs a bottle of water, all while the dramatic tune still plays}
{Cut to a logo with large stone letters reading "OF BORA". (BORA is in orange, the rest of the letters are grey) As singers sing "Fifteen seconds", large stone letters reading "FIFTEEN SECONDS" drop from the top of the screen. Then, as singers sing "of Bora!" several clips of Bora appear faded on the screen. (him doing karate, talking to someone while in a suit) After the logo drops, several videos of small Boras sit above the word "FIFTEEN". The singers sing "Yeah!" and several explosions appear on the bottom of the logo.}
Ross's Dream: Interview, YouTube Link
{Cut to Ross, asleep, as footage of clouds moving along with text reading "Last night I dreamed I had an interview" are projected onto his forehead}
ROSS: (voice only) Last night I dreamed I had an interview.
{Cut to the rest of the bandmembers sitting by a table in a dimly lit room dull of chairs. Ross walks in carrying some papers. As the bandmembers speak, their mouths open agape}
ROB: Whatcha got there?
ROSS: It's my application. I'd like to become a chair.
ANDREW: A chair?! {Everyone but Ross breaks into an uproarious laughter. Once the laughing stops, Ross hands his application to Rob, who sniffs it before giving it to Zubin}
ZUBIN: Ooh, Harvard! {Zubin hands the paper to Andrew, who immediately hands it over to Joe}
JOE: (while ripping the application) Okay, can you sing something for us?
{Ross turns around and walks away}
ROSS: (singing; in multiple voices) That's ragtime jazz...
{The interviewers give no response}
JOE: (to the interviewers) Have you ever tried yoga? It's actually quite relaxing.
ZUBIN: You like yoga?
JOE: (while vomiting spaghetti) Yeah, really taken to it. Makes you pretty flexible.
ROB: I'm more of a Pilates man myself.
ANDREW: Pilates? Really? I mean, yoga's one thing, but Pilates? Really? I mean, yoga's one thing, but Pilates? {Andrew repeats this for the rest of the sketch}
ZUBIN: Isn't that kinda like Tae Bo?
ROB: You have no idea what you're talking about.
JOE: I will say, Rob: I think Pilates and Tae Bo are good, but I prefer yoga.
{Joe, Zubin, and Rob begin yelling out "Pilates!" "Tae Bo!" and "Yoga!" while Andrew continues his mantra and Ross watches}
ZUBIN: Tae Bo, Tae Bo, TaeBo, TaeBoTaeBoTaebowtie bowtie bowtie!
JOE: That's it, it's a bowtie!
{Cut back to Ross on his bed. His alarm clock goes off as he wakes up}
{Cut to the drummer shark, playing his kit inside of a public bathroom)
Convenience Store Musical, YouTube Link
{Andrew is inside of a convenience store. He grabs a packet of gum and gives it to the cashier}
CASHIER: 79 cents.
{Andrew grabs some change from his pockets and counts the change, but comes up short}
ANDREW: Sir, I don't think I have enough change...
CASHIER: No change, no gum.
ANDREW: (breaking into song) But sirrrrrrrrr.... can't... you... just... find a way to open up your heart and let the sun shine in?
{A group of showgirls appear from behind the cashier}
ANDREW AND SHOWGIRLS: (singing) Find a way to open up your heart and let the sun shine in!
{Andrew is now in a fancy outfit and dangling from an apparatus}
ANDREW AND SHOWGIRLS: (singing) For there's a...
{Andrew awkwardly dangles from the apparatus for a few seconds in silence}
Rube Goldberg, YouTube
{Cut to a Rube Goldberg machine, starting with a marble rolling down some wooden blocks. It then runs down a platform of clothespins, but falls on the floor, rendering the contraption useless. The camera still shows the rest of the Rube Goldberg machine the credits play. After the credit's play, the music video for Greener plays, which is simply just a low quality recording of Joe dancing to the song}
- Greener Music Video, YouTube Link
- Ross' Dream Journal has the band opening their mouths with overdubbed speech coming out because of loud fans in the room they were filming in.[1]
- The Greener music video featured after the credits was made in 2005.
Tally Hall's Internet Show episodes |